Design Your Future

We’ll create a plan that’s as unique as you.

64% of women are worried about outliving their retirement savings.

When we plan for your long-term financial goals, factors from life expectancy to income expectations to employment status are critical. Our findings show us that these factors can look very different for women.

At Lake Avenue Financial our personalized process helps us design a financial plan for women across different life stages, while taking these factors into consideration.

3 Additional Considerations When Planning for Women

Earnings Potential

$0.82 / $1.00

On average, women earn $0.82 to every $1.00 a man makes, impacting their ability to save.

Life Expectancy

5+ Years

On average, women live more than 5 years longer than men, creating a need to fund longer retirements.

Employment Gaps


A third of women are considering leaving the workplace.

Your Personal Plan

For over 25 years we have collaborated with our clients to help turn their dreams into reality. Through our unique approach, we craft personalized financial plans that are tailored to correspond with your specific goals, values and priorities.

The DESIGN Experience

  • During your Discovery meeting, we’ll help you find your Why. We'll dive into your relationship with money and discuss your Financial Purpose. Once we've unlocked these items, you are ready to begin your financial journey.

  • During your Exploration meeting, we’ll work on identifying and prioritizing your financial goals. We'll also spend this time to go through your financial assets, liabilities, income and expenses.

  • During the Strategy session, the team will present you with your personal one page plan. You will walk away with recommendations as well as actionable steps that are aligned with your Financial Purpose.

  • After your Strategy meeting, we will work with you to implement the recommendations we shared, in order to help you design the future you dreamed of.

  • Goals are just guesses. That's why we will show you where you currently stand and actively monitor your goals, so you stay on track.

  • Lastly, we will outline our next steps and action items for the coming 3 to 6 months.

Are you ready to design your future?

Sources: Women surveyed in the 2021 DC Pulse Survey, US Census Bureau, “Current Population Survey: PINC-05. Work Experience-People 15 Years Old and Over, by Total Money Earnings, Age, Race, Hispanic Origin, Sex, and Disability Status: 2018, “Women in the Workplace, 2021.” McKinsey & Company and LinkedIn, Center for Disease Control, 2021